Installation and selection of belt clamp
1. Choosing proper belt clamp style and quantity based on tensile strength and width of belt;
2. Requested belt length for belt clamp installation are respectively (S1=174mm; S2=186mm; S4=214mm; S5=220mm), the proper total elevator belt length = elevator perimeter + proper length of belt for belt clamp installation.
3. Installation hole position: installation hole center line is(S1=56mm; S2=59mm; S4=76㎜; S5=75㎜)from two end of belt, the said line should be upright to belt end to make sure belt running properly.
2. Requested belt length for belt clamp installation are respectively (S1=174mm; S2=186mm; S4=214mm; S5=220mm), the proper total elevator belt length = elevator perimeter + proper length of belt for belt clamp installation.
3. Installation hole position: installation hole center line is(S1=56mm; S2=59mm; S4=76㎜; S5=75㎜)from two end of belt, the said line should be upright to belt end to make sure belt running properly.