Product Main


Copper ore concentrate
Cu 28.75% AG 20g/MT Au 0.3G/MT Bi <0.005%
As 0.02% Sn 0.01% Sb <0.005% Zn 0.04%
Pb 0.03% Co 0.21% Ni 0.02% CD <0.005%
CaO 0.48% Na2O 0.24% MGO 0.30% K2O 0.10%
Al2O3 0.68% SiO2 2.71% Hg <10ppm S 29.10%
Fe 30.31% C 0.14% Cr <0.005% Cl 0.04%
BaO <0.01% In <0.005% Mn 0.01% Te <0.005%
P <0.01% F <0.01%
Moisture 5%
Material shall not contain any harmful or deleterious elements to the smelting process.