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Solar light working princlple
Sumshine energy through solar pamels transform to electricty power or store in battery. It is composed of solar module, solar contrller, storage battery, inverter, DC/AC convertor, AC load, DC load and so on, Under the sunshine, depend on solar panel, sunshine energy transfer to electricty power, and through solar controller charger the inveter or DC load and charge the battery as well. And without sunshine, battery release electricty powers to loads by solar controller. 
Solar Module---Controller---DC/AC transter----DC load
Solar Module---Storage battery----DC/AC pure sine wave inverter---AC load
Solar panel: Mono/multi-crystal silicon high-efficiency cell with service life ≥ 25 years
Storage battery: Valve-controlled sealed service-free colloid, silicon and lead-acid cells with service life ≥ 5 years
Clean and green: 
Solar lighting systems use clean and renewable energy, no pollution to the environment. 
Long life: 
Solar cell module has a life of 20-years, 20 years later it still can be used, but efficiency will decline. 
High efficiency: 
Solar cell maximum power integrated technology, through the optimal mix of current and voltage to maximize the received effective power. 
High Brightness: 
Using high-power solar cell components as the lamp power generation system combines the best angle of solar panels designed for high-power light source to provide adequate energy and truly realize the darkness. 
Convenient management: 
The whole system of automatic is controled by microcomputer. 
Safe and reliable: 
The charge and discharge processes of solar lighting system are carried out under the low-pressure condition, without harm for the human body. 
Fast Construction: 
Each solar lighting systems are independent lighting units, the charge, discharge, lighting, control, are independent, without trenching, no wiring, real-time installation, real-time applications.