product name:
Large diameter quartz tube
Specificationφ80-200mm,Si02≥99.95%,Al,Ca,Mg,K,Na,Ti,Li,Ni,Cu,B,Cr total content≤45ppm.The product has excellent thermal,electric insulation performance,diaphanous performance,acid proof,widely used in high-tech of semiconductor,solar energy technology,fiber communication,laser technology,spaceflight technology,national defence war industry and optics chemical industry etc,and we can processed into various shapes of crucible.
Typical elements(unit:ppm):
For customer’s request to select quartz materials with quality reliable,stable performance from UNM, through strict quality control, produce various quartz ware for the semiconductor. 1, Quartz tube of various specifications of the Semiconductor (furnace core tube) 2, Quartz tube of various specifications of the quartz boat (wafer carriers) 3, Delivery system of various quartz (boat rock, cantalever etc) 4, Various of quartz glass instrument, for example various Specifications of tank cleaning, bell jar,ball joint,portfire,Cassettes etc 5, Production of solar silicon wafers with a device with a load. UNIMIN element content(unit:ppm):
Size and tolerance of large diameter quartz tube: