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Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a man made mineral of extreme hardness and sharpness. It is a chemical compound of silicon and carbon. Its raw materials are selected petroleum coke, high-quality quartz and wood shavings, which are coated around a carbon core. The high electric voltage causes temperatures of over 2,000 °C, through which the stoichiometric mixture melts - and silicon carbide is formed.
Silicon Carbide is distributed to Green Silicon Carbide and Black Silicon Carbide, both of them are hexagonal crystal and the microhardness is around 2840~3320 kg/mm2 .
Green Silicon Carbide is produced from very high purity silica sand and petroleum coke. It is extremely hard (Knoop 2600 or Mohs 9.4), high thermal conductivity (100 W/m-K) and high strength at elevated temperatures (at 1000°C, Green SiC is 7.5 times stronger than Al2O3). Green SiC has a modulus of elasticity of 410 GPa, with no decrease in strength up to 1600°C, and it does not melt at normal pressures but instead dissociates at 2815.5°C. Being very hard and sharp makes it a very aggressive abrasive ideal for many applications where a higher purity is required.

Green Silicon Carbide is the ideal abrasive for grinding / sanding materials of low tensile strength such as Cast Iron, Brass, Aluminum, Bronze etc. Its thermal properties make it an excellent medium for use in the manufacture of refractory products and crucibles. It is also used in marble and granite polishing, manufacture of Kiln furniture and as a deoxidizer in Iron and steel making.

Chemical composition:
Chemical composition
Grain size
Weight percentage %
Silicon Carbide (Sic)
Free Carbon (F.C.)
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)

Physical Characteristics:
Crystal Form
Hexagonal (α—SiC)
True density
Bulk density
Melting Point
SiC does not melt but dissociates
Knoop hardness

Available Grain Sizes & Standard
Grain sizes standards have been issued for full ranges of Macrogrit and Microgrit sizes by FEPA, ANSI and JIS.
FEPA—— European Federation of Abrasives Producers
ANSI——American National Standards Institute
JIS——Japanese Standardization Organization

Hazards Identification
It is not dangerous to health.
Its use is not associated with danger of silicosis.
It is neither carcinogenic nor toxic.

Packaging and Shipping
50 kg plastic woven bags of 1000 kg palletized.
Other packaging types on request
All of our products can be delivered to all over the world.