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NdFeB magnetic drawer 

1.NdFeB magnetic drawer is designed to simplify the cleaning process to encourage frequent and quick removal of collected tramp metal.
2.To initiate cleaning, the operator pulls two handles on the front of the housing, removing the magnetic drawer from the product flow.
3.As the drawer is pulled out, each magnetic tube passes through a seal which wipes the accumulated metal from the tubes. A catch pan is located under the tubes on the front of the housing to collect the metal for analysis or disposal. 
4.The main body of the housing consists of a row, or most commonly rows, of round magnetic tubes that are assembled into drawers.
5.Each row of magnetic tubes is aligned on alternating centers from the row directly above or below it. As product flows into the top of the housing, it is forced to cascade in a zigzag pattern from row to row over the magnetic tubes.
6.This cascading effect ensures maximum tramp metal capture since the product comes in direct and repeated contact with a magnet as it travels through the housing.