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ER10450 3.6V 700mAh Lithium battery
Detailed Product Description

Primary Lithium Battery with 3.6V Nominal Voltage
and 700mAh Nominal Capacity

Nominal voltage: 3.6V
Nominal capacity: 700mAh
Standard discharge current: 0.5mA
Maximum continuous operating current: 10mA
Maximum pulse current: 200mA
Weight: 9g
Diameter: 10.0mm
Height: 45.0mm

Used for:

Utility metering - AMR
Security alarms
Night vision
Automotive electronics
Radio communication
GPS tracking
Emergency location buoys


Excellent shelf life (10 years) and low self-discharge (1 % or less per year)
Suited for long-term use with low current
For operation at low current levels with long stands intermittent discharge with medium current level provided
The average is not below the active current level