Zirconia is 100%biocompatible and inert that human body does not reject, so no allergies or adverse reactions is exist.
Zirconia Crowns have all the advantages of both traditional Gold Crowns and Porcelain. Although Gold Crowns are well tolerated, last long and are a good technical choice, many consumers much prefer to have a natural effect that blends into the overall smile. Many also don't want metal in their mouths. In most cases the choice will be between a Porcelain Crown and a Zirconia Crown.
Strength and Longevity: Zirconia is virtually indestructible whereas Porcelain crowns are prone to chipping. Crowns have a lifetime of around 10 years. Zirconia should last a lifetime.
Cosmetic: Up until recently most crowns are Porcelain which is Fused to a Metal base. Over time, the metal begins to show more and more and the restoration can look opaque and monochromatic, with the tell tale dark grey line at the crown join.
The Zirconia Crowns not only look more translucent, but are much stronger than the Porcelain fused to the Metal posts. The Zirconia crowns are milled from a single block of crystal and can be up to five times stronger than a porcelain / metal fuse.