Nickname: bismuth oxide(Bi2O3)
CAS No.1304-76-3
CAS No.1304-76-3
Boiling point:1,900 C Melting point:820C,dissolvable in acid,
unable to dissolve in water or soda, expect for this,
reports about BiO, BiO, BiO2,2.7~2.8,Bi2O4, Bi3O5,BiO5 and Bi2O6 are all unconfrimed as pure mortages
Specification: Symbol: MCBT89 Bi≥89.5%
Foreign Mat≤ppm Na ≤50 Al≤10 Cd≤ 10 Cu≤5
Loss in weight on drying≤(%) 0.2
Paching:Blik Drum(25kg) or paper bag
Applications: Glaze, catelyst, rubber ingredient, medical products. red glass ingredinets.raw materials for electronic (capacitior)
Packing: Blik Drum(25kg) or Paper bag
≥99.8 As2O3≤0.05 PbO≤0.08 Se≤0.004