Composed by smart meridian microcomputer acupuncture and physiotherapy, buttons and a small battery and medical cream paste
1.It acupoint selection according to acupoint therapy table and the product simulated acupuncture
Therapy, the instant physiotherapy grief meanwhile to drive wet, sedative, analgesic efficacy, use it attached to the treatment directly .it response to local acid up or dumb, was forward radiation diffusion like.
2 This product can produce small vibrations 3000-6000 times / minute, these vibrations can get rid of the lymphoid tissue of stagnation mutation,
3. Both outstanding treatment and health effects: neck, shoulders, waist, back, elbow, wrist, knee, coccyx, femur, sciatic nerve, hip, ankle, foot, heel, and other types of sprains, contusions, flash back, new wounds, old wounds, all kinds of rheumatic inflammation, frozen, bone assassination, hyperostosis, lumbar muscle strain, disc herniation, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tennis elbow, and hemiplegia sequelae, women's property and lower back pain, bone osteoporosis various numbness muscle atrophy, pain, numbness, weakness, muscle
1. does not have any side effects on the human body and does not produce dependence.
2.six different exercise modes in well-designed.
5. built-in timer, massage for 12 minutes automatic shutdown
6,. standby, 20 seconds after the massage will automatically shut down.