Product Main


  • Description: OEM brand, DVD + R8X
  • Capacity: 8 x 4.7GB/120 minutes
  • Description: write once format DVD, ideal for data/audio/video uses
  • Capacity: 4.7GB (120mm) single sided
  • Large capacity data storage and retrieval
  • High capacity and data transfer rate
  • High storage density
  • Low recording error rate
  • Long-term data archiving
  • Allow over 1,000,000 times of reading
  • Full compatibility with most of the DVD writers and players
  • Super Cyanine dye provides zero wave distortion
  • Jitter and deviation levels are the lowest in the industry
  • Intensive quality assurance methods are in place during the manufacturing process, providing industry leading yield rates
  • Packing:
    • 50/100 pieces shrink wrap
    • 100/50 pieces cake box
    • 25 pieces cake box
    •  10 pieces cake box