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XRF Analyzer (Desktop, Model: SQ-8800, include computer, Hot Sale)
SQ-8800 integrated industrial computers based on SQ-8200 platform additionally. Upgrading the display screen and the circuit, no need to connect with an external computer; professional fashion design with multi-node pre-start installations and the real-time monitoring system; the cover locks and electronic locks are making day-to-day management more convenient; In order to ensure the user security, it’s installed the automated anti-radiation device. SQ-8800 is equipped with electric devices for opening cover which makes the test easier. 
Detailed features:
Analysis Elements: Au , Ag , Pt , Pd, Rh , Ru , Cu, Zn , Ni, Cd, In
Analysis Range:1%~99.99%.
Test point dimension:1~2mm.
Sample Chamber Size: 0~90 mm.
Spectrometer Size: L500 mm*W500mm*H400 mm.
Test Time: Confirm the elements in 1~3 seconds, operator could set the time for testing the elements in-density.)
Test Precision:+/-0.1% The Precision could keep 0.1% after several repeated test).
High Pressure Template:4~50Kv.
X-Ray Source: Mo Material X-ray light tube (Wind Cool, No radiation).
Max. Power: 120W.
Weight: 50Kg.
Detector: Hermitic Proportional Counter with Micro processor.
Coated layer measurement: Coated layer thickness Range <30μm.
Eight fans of the circulatory system, Temperature control system can protect themselves