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Magnetic Lifter MW36-320L-H for Roiled Strip

This series magnets are of quincumical type amd have movable magnetic poles, which are suitable for lifting and transporting roild strips.

This Magnetic Lifter is of vertical handling type.

There are three excitation options: rated voltage DC220V; strong excitation; over excitation.

Technical Data: (DC-220V, TD-50%)


9500 kg

11200 kg

Cold state current

145 A

125 A

Consumption Power

31.9 kW

27.5 kW


Normal Temperature

High Temperature

Lifting Capacity


Loose Winding

3000 mm

3000 mm

Tight Winding

1950 mm

1950 mm


700 mm

700 mm


21 t

21 t

About Inquiry

To help you get the best magnet for your application, we should have the following information:
1. What are the materials you want to attract?
2. What kind of steel and iron? For example: Steel scraps, steel billet, ingot, plate, bar or ball.
3. What' s the lifting capacity you expect?
4. What kind of working site does the magnet work?
5. Do you want the Cable Reel? If yes, tell me hoist height of the crane.

6. Do you want the electric controller?

7. Kindly provide information of your power information (__V, DC/AC, ___Hz), and information for crane (single beam or double beam, single hook or double hook, how about the lifting capacity).