Product Main


25.2V/60Ah Power Supply
Ø Main Parameters
1. Total Energy: 1.5KWh
2. Cell Model: FLP-20Fe (20Ah) Pack: 24pcs, 3P8S
3. Rated Voltage: 25.2V
4. Rated Discharging Current: 50A
5. Maximum Discharging Current: 80A
6. Highest Voltage: 27V
8. Lowest Voltage: 19V
9. Charging Voltage: 29V
10. Charging Current: 120A
11. Heat Management: automatic wind circulation
12. DC Contactor: 200A
13. Fast Acting Fuse: 300A
14. BMS (Battery Management System), functions:
01) Voltage Control
02) Coulomb SOC Calculation
03) Transfer Mode Charging Automatic Equalization
04) Over Voltage Protection(Charging)
05) Low Voltage Protection(Discharging)
06) Short-circuit Protection
07) LCD Information Display
08) Fault Message Record
09) CAN Communication
10) Remote Monitoring of Power System(optional)
11) More Options
15. Weight of Pack: 48Kg
16 Pack Size:490X396X200(mm)
Ø Charge-discharge Energy Calculation
1. 60Ah/120A=0.5h(30min),60Ah/30(min)=2Ah
Charged energy per minute:2Ah*25.2V=50.4Wh
2. Energy requirement for 8min: 250W*8/60(min) =33Wh
Charger: 120A/29V (according to the demand of energy and efficiency)
Advice: 70%SOC is the best operation status.

Size: 350*210*130(mm)