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2013  Scalar Energy Bio Disc

Appearance: Round Clear Glass
Specific Size: Diameter 9cm Thickness 10mm
Specific Weight: 130grams

What is Bio Disc?
 The Bio Disc is a natural energy generating device that produces SCALAR energy frequencies that have no negative side effects.
The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids.
The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life

What is It Made of?
The Bio Disc is made of 13 TECHNICALLY ENGINEERED natural minerals
A NANO FUSION process using several high heat fusion methods, structurally bonds the minerals together, at a molecular level.
The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy known as “Scalar Energy”.
This 21st century technology develops a long lasting natural scalar resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains.

How To Use?
· Pour the  water or any liquid over the disc. The water will instantly be energized and has better taste and higher oxygen  level
· Place in refrigerator to energize all consumables for better nutrient uptake
· Place under a bottle of drinking water to energize  within 20 minutes
· Place under the bed to improve sleep quality
· Place in a bath of water to improve body energy

Bio Disc Benefits
1 Improves tastes of all liquids
2 Increases drinking water energy level
3 Increases body energy level
4 Maximizes nutritional benefits
5 Improve taste
6 Extend shelf life of all vegetables, fruits and meats                                       
7 Improve wellness
8 Enhances immune system
9 Rejuvenates cells,
10 Increases blood oxygen levels