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In today's world, with the popularity of mobile communications, human activities increasingly wide range ofmobile power needs will become inevitable. Wind as the most reasonable independent power supply system can be moved independent power, their applications will be more extensive. 
A, Design:
★Average wind speed is greater than 4m / s or more areas .(Note: for a good wind resources, coastal resources and conditions or equivalent areas, the proposed use of land resources, according to the actual state of the configuration to use)
★ Solar energy resources are more available class III region
★ Communications relay station transmitters, electricity 24 hours a day
★ Power parameters: Power supply: power supply voltage and frequency: 220Vac 50Hz
B, Description:
★Reliability: The system is not in the continuous wind and solar energy in the case to supplement the normalpower supply 3 days .
★Structure: tower, another stent design based on the actual installation conditions, the configuration .
C, System Configuration: Press 3 days without wind power under normal light configuration.