Printed circuit board reverse engineering, also known as PCB cloning or PCB copy, is using reverse engineering technology onto the PCB which was designed and manufactured by others, it is to use PCB related software to copy someone else’s circuit board and then manufacture the circuit board by yourself. This is the tradditional explanation for the PCB reverse engineering. with the pcb reverse engineering technology development, the impact and scope of this industry continues to expand rapidly, and the definition of pcb reverse engineering also extend from the narrow sense that: pcb reverse engineering only refers to extraction of PCB file from electronic circuit board and then restore it for the purpose of PCB cloning or copy; To the wide sense that pcb reverse engineering not only include PCB file extraction, circuit board cloning/copy and other related technical aspect, but also modify PCB file, the shape of the mold for electronic products, extraction of 3-dimensional model data on a variet of electronic products, compile the components list assembled on the PCB circuit board as well as individual data sheets on each component where available, decrypt microcontroller on the circuit board, crack encrypted IC on the PCB, moreover, inverse assemble the firmware of PCB circuit board and etc, a whole set of PCB reverse engineering technology
IT Reverse activity focuses on:
1. Research into security vulnerabilities of microcontrollers, CPLDs,
1. Research into security vulnerabilities of microcontrollers, CPLDs,
FPGAs, ASICs and Custom ICs
2. Developing attack methods for MaskROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash,
2. Developing attack methods for MaskROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash,
Antifuse and FRAM memories
3. Research into innovative attack technologies
4. Evaluating of existing products against non-invasive, semi-invasive
3. Research into innovative attack technologies
4. Evaluating of existing products against non-invasive, semi-invasive
and invasive attacks IC / MCU,de-processing ,Photo imaging ,Netlist
extraction ,Circuit analysis
5. PCB Design,PCB manufacturing
6. Identify device's part No.
If you need any infromation, please log on our (it reverse) website.
5. PCB Design,PCB manufacturing
6. Identify device's part No.
If you need any infromation, please log on our (it reverse) website.