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Sodium Carboxymethyl beta glucan CAS 9051-97-2 
CMG is the partly carboxymethylated yeast beta-glucan, which is water soluble. CMG has the same function as yeast beta-glucan, when used in cosmetic, can greatly revitalize the skin's defense system, enhance the skin's natural repair process and reduce skin irritation.
INCI: Sodium Carboxymethyl yeast beta-glucan, water
Apperance Off-white solution
DS 0.5-0.75
Content of MG,% 0.95-1.10
pH(1% solution) 6.0-8.0
Moisture,% <6
Total plate count,cfu/mL <100
Fully soluble in water
Active at a low concentration
Just below the surface layer (epidermis) of your skin you have Langerhans cells. These incredible immune cells can boost collagen production, reduce wound repair time, defend against external threats(such as sun, smoke, environmental assaults),and mitigate the effect of stress. It leads to a remarkable reduction in the ugly appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, age spots and other skin problems.
The miracle of CMG is the unique molecular shape. When it's applied to skin, CMG can quickly penetrates into the epidermal layer and act on Langerhans cells, switching them on instantly. CMG works powerfully at the cellular level to deliver what can only be described as a radical increase in your skin's ability to repair, protect and improve its appearance.
1. Anti-aging products
2. Sunscreen products
3. Products for kin irritation
4. Dose of use:5%-15%