The Dakshinavarti Shankha is also known as Lakshmi Shankha and Valampuri Shankha. This rare, highly auspicious and much coveted Shankha also belongs to the same species as the regular Shankha known as turbinella pyrum but opens to the left - sinistral. Hence this species is called sinistral turbinella pyrum.Brings prosperity and abundance to the worshipper's house.
No shortage of food, money or clothes.
Brings happiness and peace to the premises.
If kept in the bedroom, it brings untiy and harmony among the couple.
If kept during a religious gathering, it brings knowledge by evoking Goddess Saraswati.
It enlightens the students with knowledge and sharpens their memory.
To get rid off malefic planetery effects, evils and black magic. Just fill it with Ganges water and sprinkle it on a person or in a premises.
Removes ill-effects of Brahmhatya, Gau-hatya and Bal-hatya (Dosha due to killing of a priest,
cow or a child in the previous births). To get it contact us.
Brings happiness and peace to the premises.
If kept in the bedroom, it brings untiy and harmony among the couple.
If kept during a religious gathering, it brings knowledge by evoking Goddess Saraswati.
It enlightens the students with knowledge and sharpens their memory.
To get rid off malefic planetery effects, evils and black magic. Just fill it with Ganges water and sprinkle it on a person or in a premises.
Removes ill-effects of Brahmhatya, Gau-hatya and Bal-hatya (Dosha due to killing of a priest,
cow or a child in the previous births). To get it contact us.