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Bluestone is commonly known as limestone or sand stone. Its main component is calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is a chemical formula is CaCO3. CAS No. is 471-34-1. It is common substances on earth, which can be found in the rock. Basically, it does not dissolve in water. The colors is black, gray, white, yellow or brown.

A large number of lime and limestone used as building materials and it is also an important raw material for many industries. Limestone can be directly processed into stone and fired into the quicklime. The main ingredient of quicklime is CaO, which is generally blocky. Lime to absorb moisture or water is added to become slaked lime, and its main component is also called Ca(OH)2. It can be used as coating materials and tile adhesives.

Testing standards:  (GB/T32B6-1998)
sio2 (silica): 3.63%
cao (calcium oxide): 51.74%
MgO (magnesium oxide):  0.7%
Main purpose: construction, fire prevention materials