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1x2 CWDM Mux/Demux (3 Port Device)
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Line Monitoring
WDM Network
Telecommunication,Cellular Application
Fiber Optical Amplifier,Access Network
Low Insertion Loss
Wide Pass Band
High Channel Isolation
High Stability and Reliability
Epoxy Free Optical Path
1x2 CWDM MuxDemux (3 Port Device) Specifications:
Parameters                          Mux          Demux
Operating Wavelength (nm)                    1510 ~ 1610
Center Wavelength Accuracy (nm)                  ± 0.5
Channel Spacing (GHz)                             20
Channel Passband (@-0.5dB bandwidth) (nm)         >13
Pass Channel Insertion Loss (dB)                     < 0.6
Reflection Channel Insertion Loss (dB)                <0.4
Channel Ripple (dB)                                <0.3
Isolation (dB)     Adjacen              N/A        >30
                Non-adjacent          N/A        >40
Insertion Loss Temperature Sensitivity (dB/°C )         < 0.003
Wavelength Temperature Shifting (nm/ °C )            < 0.002
Polarization Dependent Loss (dB)                     <0.1
Polarization Mode Dispersion (ps)                     <0.1
Directivity (dB)                                      >50
Return Loss (dB)                                    >45
Power Handling (mW)                               300
Operating Temperature (°C)                        0 ~ +70
Storage Temperature (°C)                         -40 ~ +85
Dimensions (mm)                       F 5.5xL34(L38 for 900um jacket)
The above is 1x2 CWDM Mux/Demux (3 Port Device)es,manufacturer provides straightly 1x2 CWDM Mux/Demux (3 Port Device)es partial information, if you have any question for 1x2 CWDM Mux/Demux (3 Port Device)es of the price, manufacturers, model, pictures, please contact us for 1x2 CWDM Mux/Demux (3 Port Device)es of the latest information.