Product Main


 1) . End of Fabric Roll Automatic Stop Sensor - for Next Roll Joining
 This will allow for continuous fabric inspection, from one peice of roll to next.
 2) . Full Width Fabric Inspection - with 60 Degree Fixed Angle Inspection Screen
 Fabric can be checked under the aid of different viewing and lighting options.
 3) . Accurate Fabric Length
 Fabric roll length can be taken by industrial standard measuring systems with digital readouts to give consistent fabric roll assessments.
 4) . Versatile Fabric Input and Output Options - Synchronize with Other Production Operations
 Optional systems are available for different fabric input and output presentations, roll to roll, continuous fabric input, etc.
 5) . Data Collection and Analysis System ( 4-point System) - Optional
 100% fabric inspection with software for accurate fabric roll analysis and printout.