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Original plant: Seeds of Vitis vinifera L.
Specification: Proanthocyanidins 95%
Appearance: Brownish-red powder, with slight odor, taste with a litter bitter.
Test method: UV
Molecular formula: C30H26O12, C30H26O13
Molecular weight: 578.53, 594.52
CAS No.: 84929-27-1, 4852-22-6
Discription: Grape seeds are an excellent source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) and have been the subject of clinical research in France for their antioxidant activity. Antioxidants play an important role in the development of collagen including skin, connective tissue and vascular walls.
1.Prevent skin aging and inhibites UV radiation.
2.Enhance capillary strength and vascular function.
3.Penetrate the blood-brain barrier to help protection of the brain and nerve tissue from oxidation.
4.Alleviate PMS problems,brusing,edema from injury or trauma,varicose veins,leg swelling and