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The bagging machine is using the Ultrasonic Welding technology to fuse the Heat Transfer Film together. Under the influence of the ultrasound, the Heat Transfer Film starts to vibrate. Two layer of the film started to create friction and heat in an instant leading to their melting point hence the film are being welded together. To start, it is required to connect the power and the required compressed air. Load the film in roll into the into the air expansion shaft. Hold the film by injecting the compressed air into the shaft. Open the film and fold it like a “U” shape and connect it together into the welding zone by using the air driven cylinder mechanism on the machine. Activate the ultrasonic system and press the sonotrode onto the film requiring welding. Set the speed on the touch screen and start the machine by loading profiles onto the conveyor. After the profile is bagged, the operator should cut off the film bag at the unloading zone.