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Features of High Quality RF Indentified Safety Door Lock :
Temic / Mifare card
Repeated record: at least 100,000 times
Data duration: at least 10 years
264-byte eeprom architecture
Encryption: 32 digits
Working voltage: direct current 6.0V-9.0V, duration of 10,000 times.
Consumption: static: ≤15(UA)
opening: 200(MA),(delay of 100ms)
Working temperature: 0°C+70°C
Anti-static: >/=15000V
Opening records: 500pcs(card type,opening time)
---Handhold Programming Unit :

Main Features :
 Program door locks
Adjust door locks’ clock with real time.
Audit trail, 64 door locks each time.
Check records,64 door locks each time
Open any door lock
Door lock functions set up
Lock LED Error Indication(For Locks With Handhold Unit):
1. Red light flashing two times with two “beeps”, it means the card is belong to other doors. Or when using the staff card-→opening times to open the lock and the times has already been used up, the red light will flash two times also.
2. Red light flashing three times with three “beeps”, it means the card time is not match with the lock time.
3. Red light flashing four times with four “beeps”, it means the lock haven’t been authorized.
4. Red light flashing five times with five “beeps”, it means the card has been suspended.
5. Red light flashing six times with six “beeps”, it means the lock is deadbolt working.
6. Red light flashing seven times with seven “beeps”, it means the lock was been blocked by the block card. In this case, only master card can open the lock.
7. Red light flashing eight times with eight “beeps”, it means the lock was authorized by the authorization card issued from another system. In this case, if you don’t know the code, you need to reauthorize the lock mandatorily.
Lock LED Error Indication (For Locks Without Handhold Unit):
1. Yellow light flashing two times, it means the card already issued is belong to other doors or haven’t been initialized by initialization card in this lock.
2. Yellow light flashing three times, it means the time of the issued card is not match with the lock.
3. Yellow light flashing four times, it means the issued card and the authorized lock are not belong to the same system.
4. Yellow light flashing five times, it means the issued card has been suspended.
5. Yellow light flashing six times, it means it was deadbolt working.
6. Yellow light flashing seven times, it means the lock was blocked by block card.
7. Yellow light flashing eight times, it means the lock hasn’t been authorized.
8. The lock beeps three times continually with red light flashing three times, means lack of power and needs to change batteries