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Also known as fence, fence, wire fence netting) due to regional differences, southerners used to call gelizha, northerners accustomed to is called the guardrail nets. Fence netting fence in China mainly include: garden fence netting, railway guardrail nets, bridge guardrail nets, highway guardrail net, purse Seine, airport fence etc is widely (purpose).

1. The grid structure concise, beautiful and practical
2. Easy to transport and install not limited by topography ups and downs
3. Especially for the mountainous slope bending zone more strong adaptability
4. The medium to low price, suitable for widespread use

According to the barrier material classification:
Have iron guardrail, stone fence, PVC guardrail guardrail, wooden railings, cement, plastic fence, stainless steel guard Wrought iron fence (7 copies) column, glass railing, etc
By type is divided into: frame bending guardrail guardrail nets, triangle mesh, bilateral wire fence netting, double ring fence netting, wavy guardrail nets, the stadium fence netting, razor wire, fence netting, barbed wire fence, wire mesh, PVC plastic coated wire fence netting etc diversification (type)