Promote the on-line community experience of the X-BOX live of the unprecedented in history,let you draw up the strategy with member of team,the interference | ||||
opponent or white play favorite game with the friend chat; | ||||
You can make serve to record for friend or family and stay the speech message through the free X BOX live letter, can also replace telephone and good friend contact; | ||||
Open loudly or adjust the small voice,make experience personally the most vigorous game career to make possible. |
- The microphone strengthen the function and can carry on regulate,obtain the best sound quality;
- The supplmentary volume control and muting switches allow the customer to regulate the headphones volume or out over the mute appearance;
- The microphone of lowers the speech control that the noise function promotes the game to respond to and provide the pure speech exchanges;
- Reducing in weight of,the wear type design brings the more comfortable usage experience.