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Wafer type butterfly valve simple structure, small size, light weight, by only a few parts. And just rotate 90 ° to quickly open and close, easy to operate, while the fluid control valve has good features. Valve in the fully open position, the disc thickness is the only medium flows through the resistance of the valve body, through the valve so that the pressure drop generated is small, it has a better flow control characteristics. Butterfly elastic soft seal and metal sealing two kinds of seal type. Elastic soft seal valves, seals can be mounted on the body or attached to the disc periphery.
For sulfuric acid in the gas pipeline industry: blast furnace blower entrances, booster fan entrances, electric defogging series and Unicom valve, S02 main blower entrances converter regulation, such as regulation and preheater entrances off gas use.
For sulfuric acid system burning sulfur, transformation, drying and absorption section is sulfuric acid plant with a valve brand of choice by the majority of users believe that: good sealing performance, running light, and vice-corrosion, high temperature, easy to operate, flexibility, safety and reliability of the valve, get a lot of widely used.