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Size: 18G-24G

Intravenous indwelling needles also called trocar, is updating product of scalp needles. It’s type contains of butterfly, ordinary, access for adding remedy and lengthened pipe. Recently, disposable intravenous indwelling needle which enjoy much characteristic is wildly used in clinic.


1.       With soft cannula, intravenous indwelling needle is operated easily, it can generally indwell for 3 days, reduce the patients’ suffering due to penetrating repeatedly, protect blood vessel and reduce the probability of phlebitis.


2.       It is beneficial for clinical remedy and emergence rescue and more valuable to infants, which reduces work capacity of nurse.


3.       The one-way method of holding ’Y’ type indwelling needle is more suitable to the habit of the clinical nurse and increases success of penetrating.


4.       The hole beside tip of the needle makes us see revehent blood in shortest time, which helps nurses make judgment while penetrating.


5.       Trocar, lengthened pipe and heparin cap integrated together can previously connect vein transfusion equipment to exhaust air.


6.       Designed with closeness, it can protect nurses from blood pollution. And no blood can effuse when penetrating.