TR7000D Series Ozone Gynecological Therapy Instrument, uses ozone production technology, SCM technology, electronic technology, automatic control technology, as well as the clinical medical knowledge and ozone sterilization characteristic of organic union, using high frequency electric tube electrode corona discharge in air to produce ozone, the ozone is dissolved in water and the atomization gas, form the ozone water and ozone fog, used for cleaning women vagina, atomized into achieve sterilization and treatment of gynecological diseases of purpose.
The device' ' s main function is to rinse the treatment of female genital tract inflammation high concentrations of ozone and ozone water mist, through a special treatment to wash the genital tract therapy and aerosol therapy. At the same time, the device can also be used in general medicine and sterile water for flushing, reduces the workload of medical staff. The device for gynecological inflammation treatment provided a kind of new treatment method.
Technical parameters:
Input power: ≤ 1500VA;
Ozone density : ≥ 80mg/m3
Noise: ≤ 60dB (A);
Ozone water flow: 1.0~2.0L/min;
Temperature range of ozone fluid : 30~40℃
Ultrasonic atomization operating frequency: (1.7± 10%) MHz;
Atomization rate: ≥ 10mL/h.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Fungal vaginitis, Trichomonas vaginitis
Cervicitis, Mild to moderate cervical erosion
Mycoplasma, Chlamydia vaginitis, Urethritis, Cystitis, Gonorrhea
Senile vaginitis, Viral diseases such as : Comprehensive treatment of Condyloma
Senile vaginitis, Viral diseases such as : Comprehensive treatment of Condyloma
Pregnancy, Lactation gynecological inflammation