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HIV (1 2) Diagnostic Kit (Colloidal Gold) is a rapid test for the qualitative detection of antibodies to human immunodeficiency Virus 1-and / or-2 in whole blood or serum or plasma. Principle of HIV diagnostic kit: The membrane is coated with recombinant HIV antigens on the test line region of the Device. When a whole blood or serum of plasma specimen is applied at one end Of the membrane, it reacts with recombinant applied to the specimen pad at the same End. The mixture then migrates chromatographically towards the other end of Membrane and reacts with the recombinant HIV antigens on the membrane in the test Region. Showing a positive result, the absence of the colored line indicates that The whole blood or serum or plasma does not contain the anti-HIV antibodies, Showing a negative result. To serve as a procedural control, a colored line will Always appear tat the control line region if the test has been performed properly.