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1.Bilberry Extract, some people also name as blueberry extract
2.Dark violet powder 
3.100% pass 80mesh 
Product Specification: 25% anthocyandins, if you need other content like  5%, please contact us. 
Latin Name: Vaccinium corymbosum L 
Product Type: Deep violet powdered extract; 
Part of the Plant Used: Fruit(100% natural) 
What is the bilberry Extract used for? 
Bilberry extract is famous as a tasty snack and ingredient in many desserts, and also regarded as an effective nutritional and medicinal supplement used for various funcational food. It could  help lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and might help fight type-2 diabetes.
The main content of bilberry extract is Anthocyanins, a very good antioxidant, which can battle cell and DNA damage involved in cancer, heart disease, diabetes and perhaps also brain degeneration.