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Resveratrol-Grape Skin Extract
Latin Name: Vitis vinifera
CAS No.: 501-36-0
Active Ingredient: Trans-Resveratrol
Specifications: 50%|98%|99%
Appearance: white fine crystal powder
Test Method: HPLC

Molecular formula: C14H12O3
Molecular weight: 228.24
CAS No.: 501-36-0
Melt Point:  253℃~257℃
Solubility: Poor solubility in water, soluble in aether, chloroform, ethanol, acetic acid and acetone.


• Effect on cardiovascular system 
• Antibacterial and antifungal 
• Nourish and protect liver 
• Antioxidant and quench free-radicals 
• Impact on the metabolism of osseous issue


Applied in food field, it's used as food additive with the function of lengthening life

Applied in pharmaceutical field,it's frequently used as medicine supplement or OTCS ingredients and owns good efficacy for treatment of cancer and cardio-cerebrovascular disease

Applied in comestics,it's can delay aging and prevent UV radiation