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Giant Knotweed root Extract- Resveratrol 50%-98%

Product Name: Giant Knotweed Extract/Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb et Zucc

CAS No.: 501-36-0
Botanical Source: Giant Knotweed
Used Part:Root
Appearance:Fine Powder
Assay Data: Resveratrol 50% 98% by HPLC
Molecular Formula: C14H12O3
Molecular Mass: 228.24
Loss On Drying:≤5%
Sulphated Ash:≤5%
Heavy Metal: 10PPM

Main function:
• Effect on cardiovascular system
• Anti-cancer
• Nourish and protect liver
• Impact on the metabolism of osseous issue
• Anti-oxidant and quench free-radicals
• Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal