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wind dust screen


A wind dust screen (also called a soundwall, sound berm,sound barrier, or acoustical barrier) is an exterior structure designed to protect sensitive land uses from noise pollution. Noise barriers are the most effective method of mitigating roadway, railway, and industrial noise sources – other than cessation of the source activity or use of source controls.


The outer metal skin of the wind dust screen has a nominal Rw rating of 26 to 28 which may increase slightly with the inner perforated lining and the insulation material.


The 23% open perforated metal facing as detailed below is unlikely to significantly degrade the Polymax core performance and hence wind dust screen provides a high level of sound absorption (estimated at 0.90 or greater).


The overall wall rating of the wind dust screen is hence calculated to be Rw 28 to 30 with an NRC rating of 0.9 to 1.0.


wind dust screen specifications: 

1) Sky light system. 
2) Roof light for office buildins, department stores, hotels, villas, stadiums, schools, amusement centers, hospitals etc. 
3) Sound absorbtion wall for freeways, high-speed railway and MRTS. 
4) Indoors swimming pools, sun bath pools, greenhouse roofs and sidings. 

5) Subway exits, parking lots, garage tents, bus-stops, terminals, shopping arcades, large stadium and rain tents, pagodas, hallway tents. 
6) Robbery counters in banks, jewelry counters and police Anti-riot shields, Safety roof light for airports and plants. 

7) Safety roof light for airports and plants. 
8) Sign boards for advertisement, Sky-lighting cover. 
9) Housing glasses, indoor partitions, sidewalk, sight window, sunshade, terraces and shower doors.