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Quick Details

Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
Part: Fruit
Type: Herbal Extract



Family                                      Magnoliaceae

Genus                                      Schisandra Michx.

The Used Part                         Fruit


Schizandra chinensis is a creeping vine, native to northeasten China andKorea. Northern schisandra fruit is the dried, ripe fruit of Schisandra chinensis. The fruit is harvested in autumn, then steamed before being dried in the sun. The plant bears small red berries from which the herbal extract is produced. It is classified as an adaptogen, an herb that regulates and normalizes the functions of the body and increases its resistance to stress. The active ingredients in schizandra include substances called schizandrin as well as vitamins C andE. Schizandrinshave been found to act as tonics for the liver, lungs and kidneys while balancing the immune system, normalizing nervous system function and aiding digestion. Schizandra has also been shown to have anti-oxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-depressant properties.

Extracts from the fruits (seeds) of Schisandra chinensis L. are one of the components of medicinal preparations designed for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases, disease of the central nervous system related to the old age, as a supplement in the treatment neoplasms, diabetes, etc. Schisandra extracts are also used for the production of nutraceuticals (soft drinks and health foods), preparations for oral hygiene and for the care for the skin and hair. Schisandra is a famous tonic traditionally used by both royalty and master herbalists. It is one of the few herbs that contain the three treasures known as Jing, Qi and Shen. Traditionally used for enhancing the energy of the kidney and liver, Schisandra is known for supporting memory and sexual endurance. It is mildly calming and helps strengthen the primary energies of life. As a tonic it supports radiant beauty and overall vitality.


Light yellow or brown powder

Available Specifications

Schizandrin > 1.5% HPLC

Schizandrin B > 1.2% HPLC

Schizandrins > 2-9% HPLC

Pharmacological function

The lignans isolated from the drug (schizandrin, schisandrol) are liver-protective in effect, acting as radical scavengers and promoting liver regeneration. Anti-inflammatory and tumor-inhibiting characteristics have also been demonstrated. Schizandrol A is said to be neuroleptic, anticonvulsive and sedative in effect. Schisandra fruits and seed are believed to bring about a non-specific increase in physical performance ability and to be antithelminthic in effect.


? Volatile oil: Containing among others, alpha- and beta- chamigrene, chamigrenal, sesquicarene, (+)-ylangene.

? Vitamin C

? Lignans:Dibenzo[a, c]cyclooctene derivatives, including schzandrine A to C, schizandrol A and B, schizantherine A and B, gomisins D to J, K1 to K3, L1 and L2, M1 and M2, N and O, P to T, the gomisins present to some extent as esters, among them those of angelic acid, benzoic acid and acetic acid; additional lignanas with other parent substances, including pregomisin.

? Fatty oil: Chief fatty acids oleic acid and linoleic acid.