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Classification: General Reagents
Purity: 90%
CAS No.: 2893-78-9


Application:With strong bleaching and disinfection effects,it's stable in chemical composition and convenient to vue.It widely cued as high effective disinfectant for civil sanitation,animal husbandry and plant protection,drybleach in agent of clothes,chimical fabrics, as shrind-proof agent for woolen,organic,organic,organic synthesis industry.
 Dosagenform  White powder,granular,or flake
 Effective cl   ≥90%
 PH(1%solution)  2.7-3.3
 Granular  8-30mesh, 20-60mesh(or decided by customer)
 Flake  1g/flake, 5g/flake, 20g/flake, 50g/flake, 200g/flake(or decided by customer)
 Package  Plastic drum,cardboard 25kg, 50kg,plastic knitting bag 100kg(or decided by customer)
Domestic Animal Disinfectant
Swimming Pool Disinfectant
water purifying tablet
Water Disinfectant
Fast dissolving tablet
Environment Disinffectant Tablet
SDIC effervescent tablet