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Quick Details

Model Number: V40/50
Type: Antioxidants,Sweeteners
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
CAS No.: 88901-36-4
off white powder: white powder


Product Description
Luo Han Guo (Siraitia grosvenorii, or Momordica grosvenorii), that is mangosteen of cucurbitaceous family, the ripe fruit of a kind of perennial grass liana. There have been thousands of years that Chinese have known to soak the Luo Han Guo in water as a drink. Traditional of Chinese medicine as well applies it to cure disease, such as high blood pressure, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, gastritis, whooping cough, acute & chronic tracheitis and acute & chronic tonsillitis, etc. It is proved by recent researches that mogrosides is the main effective medical components. Luo Han Guo fruit and its extract are dual-use in therapeutic and health products. At present, Luo Han Guo is allowed to use as a food additive in these countries: Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Britain, and China, etc.
In southern China, luo han guo is popularly considered a longevity aid and is used to balance heat buildup caused by internal conditions, life-forces, or external heat. It is used as an expectorant and antitussive to treat lung congestion, cough, other respiratory ailments, and sore throat. It also is used for constipation and chronic enteritis. Luo han guo is a low-caloric, low-glycemic food used as a sweetener in beverages and cooked food.

Product Feature
What's Luo Han Guo Extract
Luo han guo comes from the fruit of the plant Siraitia grosvenorii (Momordic grosvernii) which is a member of the Curcubitacee family (Ling Yeouruenn, Science Press, Beijing, 1995). Luo han guo fruit have been carefully researched and developed to produce a highly valuable natural sweetener using our proprietary all natural process.
Product Specification/Models
Specification & Appearance: 
10%, 50% Mogrosides 
80% Mogrosides/ 20% Mogroside V 
90% Mogrosides/30% Mogroside V
90% Mogrosides/30% Mogroside V
40% Mogroside V
40% Mogroside V HPLC 
50% Mogroside V HPLC
1. A natural sweetener without any calorie which is beneficial for diabetic
2. Powerful anti-oxidant function.
3. To relieve cough and expectorant.
4. To improve immunity.
5. To lower the blood sugar.
6. To protect liver.
7. To anti-cancer.