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Zirwell is a non-precious chrome cobalt alloy milling block containing no nickel or beryllium, which is widely used as a cast partial denture alloy, suitable for porcelain fused to metal restoration and screw retained implants. 

Biocompatible (Nickel and Beryllium Free)
 Soft and homogenous due to a unique heat treatment during production
 High tensile strength
 High-heat resistant
Less affected by heat
Corrosion resistant
Compatible with most porcelain systems

Type: CE standard
Diameter: 98/98.5/99mm
Thickness: 10-25mm (With/without step)
 Indications: Crowns & Bridges, Implant abutments/Screws, Implant bars, Inlays & Onlays

 more information : visit pls.