Its main features are as following:
Secure, business / government grade security;
Discover and identify the USB information stealer and self-lock the information;
The information of both USB and computer could be protected;
Both manual encryption and automatic encryption available;
Convenient_small, capeless and pocket-sized for easy transportability
Durable_ fashionable style, made of stainless steel;
Supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP and vista
Hardware platform: PC
The Onets flash drive is of top secure, manageable flash drive. It can not only protect the information of both the USB and the computer, but also discover and identify the information stealers. For industries like government, finance and business, Onets flash drive is surely your great partner. The following shows how they are operating:
USB1.01,User Space:1G,Over 10,220 RMB/Per;Over 100,200 RMB/Per;Over 1000,180 RMB/Per;
USB1.02,User Space:4G,Over 10,240 RMB/Per;Over 100,220 RMB/Per;Over 1000,200 RMB/Per;
USB1.03,User Space:8G,Over 10,260 RMB/Per;Over 100,240 RMB/Per;Over 1000,22 RMB/Per;
USB1.04,User Space:16G,Over 10,280 RMB/Per;Over 100,260 RMB/Per;Over 1000,240 RMB/Per.