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Quick Details

Style: Dried
Model Number: apricot dried
Brand Name: Sunny Fruit
Place of Origin: Uzbekistan
Certification: ISO, HACCP, CE/NOP
Packaging: box
Cultivation Type: Organic
Preservation Process: sun drying
Taste: Sweet
Type: Apricot


There are various methods of making dried apricots. First of all, this is the traditional method of drying fruit in the sun. Another way is industrial drying, which is used for drying chamber. If apricots are made of the manufacturing method, it is likely that she has been treated with a sulfur anhydrite, and this substance can cause an allergic reaction.

Such processing is carried out in order to give the fruit a beautiful bright orange or Golden color. In order to protect themselves from possible unpleasant consequences, it is better, before use, soak the apricots for 10-20 minutes in hot water, then rinse thoroughly.

When buying apricots, try to choose fruits that have a pale reddish hue. Occurring sometimes on its surface the dark spots are not a disease and does not impair the taste of the product. They are the result of sunburn, caused by the trapped fruits by watering water drops.

Some of the best apricots are considered to be Uzbek, which differ very delicate sour-sweet taste. In Uzbekistan there are excellent climatic conditions for growing apricots. In addition, there are special hybrid varieties, which are used for the manufacture of dried apricots.

Sun-dried and deprived of the bones apricots go onto the conveyor where it is subjected to sorting and processing. Then Packed dried apricots are exported to many countries. In sale you can find also California apricots, which are, however, less juicy and sweet. Good taste is different South African dried apricots sour varieties, but it is exposed to sulfuric treatment.