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diamond separation machine to separate diamond from alluvial sand

The diamond mining separation is firstly the rough separation to remove most of the waste gangue. Gravity separation machines involved for the diamond rough separation are mainly pan-washing separation, jigging separation, and heavy-medium separation. All three methods workd on difference of density between diamond and waste gangue. And during the three methods, jigging separation is easy to operate, with its high recovery rate of +97% and good enrichment efficiency. Diamond jig separator have a large handling capacity and no requirements about the water quality.

This diamond mine in Liberia firstly adopted multi-jigging( -16+8mm,   -8+4mm, -4+2mm, -2+1mm, -1+0.5mm) with the max. feeding size of 16mm. This processing line needs multi-layer screens, which makes the plants allocation hard and water-consumption large.

Here I can share with you video of this diamond separation on dredge over the Lofa River. Also we can supply trial test for you free if samples about 15kgs can be available from your part.