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Model Number: BCC12
Brand Name: BaiCaoCui
Grade: AAAAA
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
Packaging: Bottle,Drum,Plastic Container
Extraction Type: Solvent Extraction
Part: Leaf
Form: Powder
Type: Safflower Extract


Product Description 
Saffron is arguably the most expensive herb in the world, due to amount of time and energy it takes to harvest. 
In China, saffron grows predominantly in the Henan, Hebei, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. The stigmas are picked by hand and dried. It takes approximately 75, 000 saffron flowers to produce one pound of saffron stigma. In many cultures, saffron is used as a spice and for culinary purposes; however, it has many medicinal uses as well. In traditional Chinese medicine, saffron has a sweet taste and cold properties, and is associated with the Heart and Liver meridians. 
Its main functions are to invigorate the blood, remove stagnation, clear the meridians and release toxins. It is typically used to treat conditions such as high fevers and related conditions that may be caused by pathogenic heat, and to help break up blood clots. There is also anecdotal evidence that saffron can inhibit the growth of some types of cancer cells. 
Small amounts of saffron can increase the incidence of contractions in pregnant women
1.Improve health, anti-spasm, known for healing properties
2.Treatment of skin diseases (such as eczema, burns, ulcers, psoriasis),
3.Treatment of respiratory discomfort (such as asthma, bronchitis, intermittent cough)
4.Anti-cancer activity and prevention of prostate disease
5.Red Clover Extract Most valuable of its estrogen-like effect and alleviate breast pain suffering. Red clover isoflavones play in a weak estrogen, estrogen reduces the number and thus alleviate the suffering
6.Maintain bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
7.Raise high density lipoprotein cholesterol.
1.Invigorates circulation, breaks up blood stasis condition, and promotes menstruation: rheumatoid arthritis, injuries from impact, swollen boils, irregular menses, pain in stopping of menses, pain from blood stasis after birth. Small amount can invigorate circulation and large amount can get rid of blood clots
2.Measles with blood stasis, color not lively red: use hong hua, dang gui , zi cao, da qing ye
3.Angina of coronary diseases: use hong hua, dan shen, chuan xiong, chi shao
4.Thromboangitis obliterans: use hong hua, dang gui , tao ren , chi shao, ru xiang
5.For treatment of enlargement of the liver and spleen
6.For physical injuries with blood stasis and pain: broken bones, dislocated joints, sprains, and impact