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Annealed Steel Wire

Divided into #6, #8, #10, #12

#6 steel wire : This is 4.87mm in diameter and is mainly used to bind rebar bundles, etc.

#8 steel wire : This is 4.06mm in diameter and is used to anchor a mold or assemble a log scaffold, etc.

#10 steel wire : This is 3.25mm in diameter, and is used to assemble a simple scaffold, anchor a mold for light construction and bind materials at the site.

#12 steel wire : This is 2.6mm in diameter, and is mainly used to assemble a scaffold, anchor a mold and bind materials at the site.

* Produced with domestic raw materials


Features :

This is called an annealed steel wire, which is blue, delicate and soft, and can be produced as desired by consumers in a bundle unit and weight.Product Specification


* Produced with domestic raw materials

Weight(bundle) :

8kg~50kg guaranteed