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Quick Details

Condition: New
Type: Cargo Airplane


The highest speed (Km/h) 405
Level: fixed wing

Flight parameters
Range (1850 km)
Maximum take-off weight (1542 kg)
Cruising speed (km/h) 322
Stall speed (km/h) 60
The shortest take-off distance (m) 295
The shortest landing distance (m) 359
Climb rate (m/s) 6.45
Practical ceiling (5334 m)
The fuselage
Length (cm) 792
Wingspan (cm) 1168
Height (cm) 270
The cabin (330 cm) long
Cabin height (cm) 127
The cabin (124 cm) wide
The machine empty weight (1009 Kg)
Seating (a) 4
Tank volume (L) 348
Compartment volume (L) 5200
Power system
Engine type IO - 550 - N
The engine number (1 a)
Maximum power (kW) to 231
Aviation kerosene fuel types
