Product Main


We are distributors of a wide range of grain and cereal products including wheat, corn, barley, sorghum, oats etc and we ship globally to our clients at the best competitive market prices.Please do make all inquiries with a valid email address, phone number and Skype Id if you have one and you shall be contacted in less than 24 hours.

Specification (Detailed): white wheat flour price of high quality used for all purpose

1. Product description: Wheat flour (Top Grade).

2. Additives: do not add.

3. Organoleptic:
* Colour - White or cream;
* Smell - inherent to a wheat flour, without strangers odours not musty not moldy; 
* Taste - inherent to a wheat flour, without strangers flavors not sour not the bitter;
* Consistancy - powder.

4. Physical-chemical characteristics:

* Ash, % - 0, 4
* Moisture, % - max. 13, 5;
* Falling number, sek - 300 - 310;
* Wet gluten content, % min. - 26;
* Protein, % - min. 11;
* Whiteness, % - 0, 58 - 0.60.
5. Nutritive value:
* Energy (kcal/kJ/100g) - 334;
* Protein (g/100g) 11-11, 5;
* Carbohydrate (g/100g) - 70, 6;
* Fat (g/100g) - 1, 0 - 1, 13
6. Heavy metal and mycotoxins: it is not detectable.
7. Storage and transport:

* Type of packaging - 50 kg, bags PP;
* Storage and transport conditions - dry and room temperature storage;
* Keeps for a minimum of - at least 12 months.
8. Raw material: The raw materials used comply with current Ukrainian food law. The storage of the raw materials as well as their processing are conducted with appropriate care and in accordance with the hygienic regulations and quality control required by the authorities.