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Purity: 99
Model Number: 10161-33-8
Grade Standard: Medicine Grade
Type: Anabolic Steroid Hormones
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
EINECS No.: 10161-33-8
MF: C18H22O2
Other Names: 11-trien-3-one
CAS No.: 10161-33-8
Molecular weight: 270.37
Assay: 99%


Trenbolone Muscle Building Steroids Powder CAS 10161-33-8 Anabolic Steroid Hormones

Product Details:
Product name Trenbolone
Alias Estra-4 , 9 , 11-trien-3-one, 17b-hydroxy- (7CI, 8CI) ; (+)-Trenbolone ; 17b-Hydroxyestra-4 , 9 , 11-trien-3-one ; 17b-Trenbolone ; 9,10,11,12-Dehydro-19-nortestosterone ; RU2341 ; Estra-4,9,11-trien-3-one, 17-hydroxy-, (17b)- ; Trienbolone ; b-Trenbolone ;
CAS 10161-33-8
Molecular formula C18H22O2
Molecular weight 270.37
Assay 99%
Appearance Light yellow crystal powder
Usage It can be used for muscle building . Trenbolone is literally the most powerful anabolic steroid conventionally and commercially available . Trenbolone is an extremely powerful , impressive, and versatile anabolic steroid that tends to suffer from a heavy shroud of rumor , misunderstanding, and mysticism.

What is Trenbolone Base?

A lot of discussions say that users get better results when using Tren A when taking it milligram for milligram . Tren A has a higher potency than Tren E . Tren E has a longer ester than Tren A's shorter one . But most people will take more Tren E which has a higher milligram dosage than Tren A.

Product description:
? Muscle Growth Steroids Trenbolone Base with no ester is one of the most anabolic steroids on the planet , and it has a few different variants . Two of them are very common. There is Tren E and Tren A . They have the same hormone but they act differently , have a different time that they remain in your system and have a differentiation in potency.
? Muscle Growth SteroidsTrenbolone base is very powerful , but there are plenty myths surrounding this common steroid . Some of them are true , but many of them are greatly exaggerated . There is a lot of information about Tren E , but you should start from scratch so that you can get the proper information.
Is it true that you won't stop your testosterone production if you use Trenbolone base with some Proviron and HCG ? This is a stupid assumption because it goes against everything that an anabolic steroid is . Tren E does stop the production of testosterone , and it does it in a manner that is very harsh . You should always supplement with testosterone when taking any type of Tren . Many people do not like to do this because Tren can aromatize , give you man boobs and make you retain water.


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Trenbolone Enanthate 60mg/ml
Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg/ml
Trenbolone Enanthate 150mg/ml
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Masteron 150mg/ml
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Methenolone Enanthate 100mg/ml
TMT Blend 375
TM Blend 500
Triple Trenbolone 180
Methenolone acetate 100mg/ml
Supertest 450 450mg/ml
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Nandro Test 225 225mg/ml
Mass 500 500mg/ml
Cut Depot 400 400mg/ml
Tren Test 225 225mg/ml
Nandro Test Depot 450 450mg/ml
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Rip Cut 175 175mg/ml