Anti-fever and cough Suppository
Please read the instruction carefully and use under the advice of doctor
[Drug Name]Compound Pediatric Anti-febrile Suppository
[Composition]Artificial cow-bezoar, south Baphicacanthus root, Acetaminophen. Accessories: Twain, ethyl paraben, semi-synthetic fatty acid glycerides
[Description]Brown suppository
[Indications]for infantile fever, upper respiratory tract infection and bronchitis.
[Dosage and Administration]Rectal administration. 1 piece/time, 1time/day for children with age of 1-3. 1 piece/time, 2time/day for children with age of 3-6.
[Reverse Reaction]Rash, urticaria occurred by chance. Granulocytes are reduced. Long term and big quantity usage may result abnormal liver and renal functions.
[Contraindications]Patients with liver and renal insufficiency are contraindicated to use this product.
- this product is mainly used to reduce fever. Patients should visit hospital rapidly if symptom is not relieved after continuing to use this product.
- the product contain acetaminophen. Patients can not drink alcohol or beverage with alcohol. Other anti-fever drugs with the similar composition can not be use simultaneously with this product. Patients with liver and renal insufficiency should use this product with caution.
- Cease using this product immediately when allergies such as rash and urticaria occur.
- Patients who are allergic to this product or with allergic constitution should use this product with caution.
- Don't use if the product character generates change.
- Children should use this product under the guardianship of adults.
- Place the product beyond children can touch.
- If use this product with other product at the same time, please ask for doctor's advice.
[Drugs Interactions]
- Renal toxicity may increase if combine using with other antipyretic analgesics.
- Interaction may occur if combine using with other drugs, please ask for doctor's advice.
[Storage]Sealed, in the cool place (not above 20 degree)
[Package]PVC/PE packing, 6 suppositories/box, 6 plastic medical finger cots/box.
[Validity]18 months.