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the following example is for you reference.

1.Brief Introduction:

  Hydraulic casing oscillators are used to drive and to extract large steel casings with diameters ranging from 800 to 2500 mm up to depths of 70 m. the required hydraulic power is supplied either by the excavating machine (hydraulic crawler crane or drilling rig) or by a separate power pack
Casing Oscillators for cranes type(long version)
Casing Oscillators for foundation rigs type (short version)


2.Techincal parameters:

  Diameters ranging from 800 to 2500 mm up to depths of 70 m


3.Performance features:
There are type of casing oscillators one is crane type, on eis foundation rigs type, all are high high efficiency,save time Casing Oscillators for cranes typelong version