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Brand Name: VEYONG
Animal Type: Cattle,Sheep,goat
Dosage Form: Oral Liquid
Function: anthelmintic drug
Properties: This product is indicated for the treatment and control of parasitic g
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
properties: anthelmintic drug


Each ml contains:
Levamisole HCL 30mg
Oxyclozanide 60mg
Suspension is a broad spectrum anthelmintic combination contains levamisole HCL as antinematoda and Oxyclozanide as fasciolicide in suspension form. Levamisole Is the l-isomer of dl- tetramisole. It has a paralyzing action on nematodes. The paralysis is due to sustained muscle contraction. Levamisole acts as a Ganglion stimulant (cholinomimetic).
Oxyclozanide is a salicylanilide with specific activity against adult liver Flukes. It is mode of action is based on alteration of phoshphorylase tink in Energy metabol

Ism of Worm, and may also inhibit fumarate reductase activity.
this product is indicated for the treatment and control of parasitic gastro- Enteritis, verminous bronchitis and liver flukes.
Gastro –intestinal worms: Nematodirus, Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Cooperia, Trichstrongylus, Bunostomum, Chabertia, Oesophagostomum, Strongyloides.
Lung worms: Dictyocaulus spp.
Tape worms: moniezia spp.
Liver flukes: fasciola spp.
Target Species:
Cattle, Sheep, and Goat
Sheep, Goat and cattle: 2.5ml per10 kg body weight.
(7.8mg Levamisole HCL per kg b.Wt oxyclozanide per kg b.Wt)
Withdrawal Period:

Meat: 18 Days.
Contra- indication:
Not to be used for dairy cattle or sheep producing milk for human consumption.
Not to be used within 14 days of treatment with organophosphorous compounds or Diethylcarbamazine.
Not to be used in concurrent with pyrantel, morantel, neostigmine or Chloramphenicol.
Packaging: the finished product is packed in recipients of 1000ml plastic Bottle.
Storage: Keep in a dry, dark place below 30°C.

Oxyclozanide 60mg levamisole HCl 30mg suspension